Monday, April 20, 2009


There is no time like the old time, when you and I were young,
When the buds of April blossomed, and the birds of spring-time sung!
The garden's brightest glories by summer suns are nursed,
But oh, the sweet, sweet violets, the flowers that opened first!

There are no times like the old times,--they shall never be forgot!
There is no place like the old place,--keep green the dear old spot!
There are no friends like our old friends,--may Heaven prolong their lives!
There are no loves like our old loves,--God bless our loving wives!

(Excerpted from "No Time Like the Old Time," by Oliver Wendell Holmes)

Not bad for a lawyer and Supreme Court Justice!


chris hage jackson said...

trying to get the comment to you

chris hage jackson said...

here goes another attempt.....

Springtime. conjures up images of renewal,resurrection,hope. We all need this especially when our "winters" have been exceptionally long. We were delighted to find Spring "bustin' out all Over" in Vienna,Austria where my children live. fragrances and colors under the warm sunshine.
And "Hope springs eternal" when one is thinking of past memories. we resurrect the images of sights and sounds and people when anticipating a reunion after so many years. I can't wait tosee your faces and experience a little Spring in the re-connecting.
Chris Hage Jackson